Monday 1 November 2021

Symptoms and treatment for Dry Mouth

Few people have come across Dry mouth. The dry mouth takes place when the salivary glands are unable to produce saliva, that’s required to keep the mouth from getting dry. Dry mouth is a bad condition and people suffer through many problems. Cornerstone family dentist Peterborough is excellent in treating people with dry mouth. Their dentist is experienced and provides solutions that last longer. They help children and adults maintain the health of their mouths and take good care of it.

Dentists in Peterborough Ontario explain the importance of treating Dry mouth

Saliva protects the mouth from bacteria and the food that’s eaten. It helps in swallowing and digestion. When the mouth is dry, problems arise that cause gum diseases and tooth decay. The food particles get stuck inside the tooth and linger for a long time due to Dry mouth. Without saliva, the teeth get weak as it's unable to absorb fluoride and calcium, making it prone to damage. People come across swollen gums and inflammation when there isn’t enough saliva produced. This causes germs to stay longer in the mouth, starting with bad breath.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth

People experience many symptoms of dry mouth. Some suffer through bad breath, dryness in the mouth or throat, thick saliva, dry tongue, sore or dry throat. Few people have difficulty chewing and swallowing food and have cracked lips. Dry mouth is common among adults, but few children come across it.

Dentists in Peterborough Ontario have seen excessive fluid loss among children suffering from Sjogren’s syndrome, diarrhea and diabetes. Children develop dry mouth due to mouth breathing and prescribed medications for mood disorders. Adults come across Dry mouth for the same reasons as children, but there are a few additional factors too. People who take medications for allergies, flu, cold, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease suffer Dry mouth.

People who are old suffer Dry mouth the most. They experience it because they have an illness and take medications, that can trigger dry mouth. Though older people can develop dry mouth, for the same reasons as adults and children. It's always important to consult the dentists in Peterborough Ontario for oral hygiene.

Treating dry mouth

Dry mouth can be treated by switching the medications that are causing Dry mouth. Dentists in Peterborough Ontario recommend people with mouth rinses, moisturizers and mouthwashes that are made for dry mouth. The dentist prescribes medications in extreme cases to stimulate the saliva and other ways to protect the teeth from dry mouth. It's best to avoid caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, acidic and salty food as they can make the symptoms worst.

Cornerstone Family Dentistry is experienced in treating people and protecting their teeth from getting decay. They use the latest technology and provide advanced treatments. They provide dental treatments such as routine checkups, dentures, cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening for many families. They help children with preventative dental care and baby bottle syndromes.

In case you want to get a second opinion about the dental x-ray, you can get in touch with the dentist by checking out websites like Profile CanadaBBB and N49.

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