Wednesday 25 May 2022

Pregnancy and Dental Care – Five commonly asked questions

Dental interventions in pregnancy are of concern to many expectant mothers: whether they are allowed and, if so, which procedures may be performed during another condition. Many pregnant women are afraid to visit the dentist even though they have certain dental problems according to Family Dental Clinic Peterborough. However, many dental interventions are allowed, even recommended, during pregnancy. Tooth repair, i.e., remediation of carious lesions or infections, are desirable due to possible negative consequences that may have on the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Pregnancy and Dental Care

Dental interventions in pregnancy - Safety of the pregnant woman and the fetus in the first place! Toothache is not pleasant for anyone, and in pregnant women it has a double negative effect. In addition to the physical pain that the expectant mother suffers, there is also the stress that is transmitted to the baby. In addition, microorganisms from a decayed or infected tooth can be transmitted to the fetus through the blood and placenta. Many infections require the use of antibiotics and other medications. In order to prevent the appearance of caries, infections, cysts and other dental diseases, it is necessary to conduct proper oral hygiene.

Regular dental check-ups, at least twice a year, are also part of dental care. If you are planning a pregnancy or if it has already started, it is important to do all the health checks. By examining the mouth and teeth, dentists will determine the therapy for all observed problems and give the necessary advice. In that way, the future mother will be enabled to enter a very beautiful, but also challenging state.

Changing the filling or repairing the caries will be performed in a painless way. Aesthetic dental interventions, such as teeth whitening or sanding, are also possible during another condition. dental interventions in pregnancy.

Taking into account the delicacies of pregnancy itself, dentists are of the opinion that pregnant women must have appropriate dental care. Dental interventions during pregnancy are mostly allowed, even desirable. X-ray diagnostics is performed in pregnancy only in exceptional cases and according to strictly defined rules. In this way, the impact of radiation on the baby can be minimized.

Dental interventions in pregnancy - Possible oral problems in pregnancy Fatigue is a typical condition for pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimesters. After all-day activities, the pregnant woman usually wants to just go to bed. At the same time, sometimes he forgets about brushing his teeth, and sometimes he simply does not have enough strength and will to do so. However, skipping the hygiene ritual can lead to a number of problems. If regular brushing of teeth and flossing and interdental brushing are absent, plaque accumulation and caries will occur. In the first period of pregnancy, morning sickness accompanied by vomiting is common. Acid that remains in the mouth can lead to enamel damage and consequent tooth decay.

Increased presence of acid can also occur due to consuming unhealthy foods. It is known that pregnant women have an increased appetite, so sometimes they resort to food that is within their reach. They are often salty and sweet snacks, so irresistible and above all - dangerous! If you do not brush your teeth regularly, at least in the morning and in the evening, and especially after vomiting, caries can occur. Also, hormonal changes in pregnancy can be the cause of gingivitis, i.e., gingivitis.

The gums become inflamed and prone to bleeding. If hygiene is not proper, gingivitis can easily develop into periodontitis. All this leads to the instability of the teeth, their chattering and, in the end, falling out. The extent to which pregnancy is a specific condition is also shown by the fact that the consequences of hormonal imbalance can be noticed even on the tongue. The tongue got a different, dark orange color, which can cause concern for the pregnant woman. Healthy pregnant woman - healthy baby! Every pregnant woman strives, from the moment she realized that she will become a mother, to do everything to ensure that her child is born healthy.

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