Wednesday 25 May 2022

Pregnancy and Dental Care – Five commonly asked questions

Dental interventions in pregnancy are of concern to many expectant mothers: whether they are allowed and, if so, which procedures may be performed during another condition. Many pregnant women are afraid to visit the dentist even though they have certain dental problems according to Family Dental Clinic Peterborough. However, many dental interventions are allowed, even recommended, during pregnancy. Tooth repair, i.e., remediation of carious lesions or infections, are desirable due to possible negative consequences that may have on the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Pregnancy and Dental Care

Dental interventions in pregnancy - Safety of the pregnant woman and the fetus in the first place! Toothache is not pleasant for anyone, and in pregnant women it has a double negative effect. In addition to the physical pain that the expectant mother suffers, there is also the stress that is transmitted to the baby. In addition, microorganisms from a decayed or infected tooth can be transmitted to the fetus through the blood and placenta. Many infections require the use of antibiotics and other medications. In order to prevent the appearance of caries, infections, cysts and other dental diseases, it is necessary to conduct proper oral hygiene.

Regular dental check-ups, at least twice a year, are also part of dental care. If you are planning a pregnancy or if it has already started, it is important to do all the health checks. By examining the mouth and teeth, dentists will determine the therapy for all observed problems and give the necessary advice. In that way, the future mother will be enabled to enter a very beautiful, but also challenging state.

Changing the filling or repairing the caries will be performed in a painless way. Aesthetic dental interventions, such as teeth whitening or sanding, are also possible during another condition. dental interventions in pregnancy.

Taking into account the delicacies of pregnancy itself, dentists are of the opinion that pregnant women must have appropriate dental care. Dental interventions during pregnancy are mostly allowed, even desirable. X-ray diagnostics is performed in pregnancy only in exceptional cases and according to strictly defined rules. In this way, the impact of radiation on the baby can be minimized.

Dental interventions in pregnancy - Possible oral problems in pregnancy Fatigue is a typical condition for pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimesters. After all-day activities, the pregnant woman usually wants to just go to bed. At the same time, sometimes he forgets about brushing his teeth, and sometimes he simply does not have enough strength and will to do so. However, skipping the hygiene ritual can lead to a number of problems. If regular brushing of teeth and flossing and interdental brushing are absent, plaque accumulation and caries will occur. In the first period of pregnancy, morning sickness accompanied by vomiting is common. Acid that remains in the mouth can lead to enamel damage and consequent tooth decay.

Increased presence of acid can also occur due to consuming unhealthy foods. It is known that pregnant women have an increased appetite, so sometimes they resort to food that is within their reach. They are often salty and sweet snacks, so irresistible and above all - dangerous! If you do not brush your teeth regularly, at least in the morning and in the evening, and especially after vomiting, caries can occur. Also, hormonal changes in pregnancy can be the cause of gingivitis, i.e., gingivitis.

The gums become inflamed and prone to bleeding. If hygiene is not proper, gingivitis can easily develop into periodontitis. All this leads to the instability of the teeth, their chattering and, in the end, falling out. The extent to which pregnancy is a specific condition is also shown by the fact that the consequences of hormonal imbalance can be noticed even on the tongue. The tongue got a different, dark orange color, which can cause concern for the pregnant woman. Healthy pregnant woman - healthy baby! Every pregnant woman strives, from the moment she realized that she will become a mother, to do everything to ensure that her child is born healthy.

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Monday 28 February 2022

7 Essential Tips You Might Not Know About Dental Care For Children

You might have faced difficulty in scheduling dental treatment with dentists in Peterborough Ontario during the pandemic time. It becomes necessary to go with some home remedies as the doctor might not see you due to COVID guidelines. If you think about the dental issues with children, it is quite difficult to manage them when they are having a toothache. The best way for the parents is to inculcate good dental habits in children to avoid such a scenario. When they follow basic practices, the health of the future teeth is improved. These established dental care habits will go a long way as a routine that they cannot do without. Parents are responsible for the dental care of their children so routine check-up at the Cornerstone Peterborough dentist is recommended.

Worried about your child’s gums and teeth? Go through this routine and make their gums strong at a young age:
  • A parent of an infant has to be very careful in cleaning the gums before their teeth come up. The dentists in Peterborough Ontario suggest that as soon as the baby intakes liquid or semi-liquid food, clean the gums using a damp cloth as they don’t have teeth to brush regularly.
  • You can develop the habit of brushing your child’s teeth when their first tooth appears. Their gums and the new tooth would be very sensitive so you should brush only with a soft bristle or fluoride toothbrush. The brush for an infant is quite small so a parent can wear it on a finger and give them a gentle brushing.
  • You can begin brushing the teeth of your child using toothpaste from the age of 3. Select a soft-bristle toothpaste always and the toothpaste needs to be with some amount of fluoride.
  • The next milestone comes when the child is of the age of 8 years. It is the time when their teeth start growing and touching each other. Food particles should not remain in between two teeth so it is necessary to develop the habit of flossing. The child should be taught flossing and he should do it only in the presence of a parent.
  • Also, when they start growing, the child should be taught the correct brushing pattern. The dentists in Peterborough Ontario recommend holding the brush in the correct position and moving upwards and downwards to clean every tooth.
  • Using a bottle of milk is fine for a child but you should avoid it during bedtime as they might sleep without cleaning the gums. It is the case observed with many children as their gums are not strong enough when they grow.
  • The right time to consult dentists in Peterborough Ontario for an infant is when they are 6 months old. They would recommend a good dental routine depending on your child’s dental health.
In this way, dental care routine is an essential part and should develop at an early age of your child.

Book your child’s first dental appointment with Cornerstone Peterborough dentist today!

In case you want to get a second opinion about the dental x-ray, you can get in touch with the dentist by checking out websites like Profile Canada, BBB and N49.

Monday 1 November 2021

Symptoms and treatment for Dry Mouth

Few people have come across Dry mouth. The dry mouth takes place when the salivary glands are unable to produce saliva, that’s required to keep the mouth from getting dry. Dry mouth is a bad condition and people suffer through many problems. Cornerstone family dentist Peterborough is excellent in treating people with dry mouth. Their dentist is experienced and provides solutions that last longer. They help children and adults maintain the health of their mouths and take good care of it.

Dentists in Peterborough Ontario explain the importance of treating Dry mouth

Saliva protects the mouth from bacteria and the food that’s eaten. It helps in swallowing and digestion. When the mouth is dry, problems arise that cause gum diseases and tooth decay. The food particles get stuck inside the tooth and linger for a long time due to Dry mouth. Without saliva, the teeth get weak as it's unable to absorb fluoride and calcium, making it prone to damage. People come across swollen gums and inflammation when there isn’t enough saliva produced. This causes germs to stay longer in the mouth, starting with bad breath.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth

People experience many symptoms of dry mouth. Some suffer through bad breath, dryness in the mouth or throat, thick saliva, dry tongue, sore or dry throat. Few people have difficulty chewing and swallowing food and have cracked lips. Dry mouth is common among adults, but few children come across it.

Dentists in Peterborough Ontario have seen excessive fluid loss among children suffering from Sjogren’s syndrome, diarrhea and diabetes. Children develop dry mouth due to mouth breathing and prescribed medications for mood disorders. Adults come across Dry mouth for the same reasons as children, but there are a few additional factors too. People who take medications for allergies, flu, cold, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease suffer Dry mouth.

People who are old suffer Dry mouth the most. They experience it because they have an illness and take medications, that can trigger dry mouth. Though older people can develop dry mouth, for the same reasons as adults and children. It's always important to consult the dentists in Peterborough Ontario for oral hygiene.

Treating dry mouth

Dry mouth can be treated by switching the medications that are causing Dry mouth. Dentists in Peterborough Ontario recommend people with mouth rinses, moisturizers and mouthwashes that are made for dry mouth. The dentist prescribes medications in extreme cases to stimulate the saliva and other ways to protect the teeth from dry mouth. It's best to avoid caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, acidic and salty food as they can make the symptoms worst.

Cornerstone Family Dentistry is experienced in treating people and protecting their teeth from getting decay. They use the latest technology and provide advanced treatments. They provide dental treatments such as routine checkups, dentures, cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening for many families. They help children with preventative dental care and baby bottle syndromes.

In case you want to get a second opinion about the dental x-ray, you can get in touch with the dentist by checking out websites like Profile CanadaBBB and N49.

Saturday 9 October 2021

Cutting Back on Sugar – An Essential Thing People Have to Do

A lot of people know that they should not indulge too much in sugar. Yet, even if they try their best, they cannot just completely cut sugar from their diet. This is possibly your problem too. There are a lot of health conditions that you may become afflicted with if you don’t stop cutting back on sugar. You can ask your Peterborough Cornerstone dentist for more details.

Sugar is Not Exactly Your Enemy

This is something that people have always assumed to be true. They feel like all types of sugar should be banned from their diet. Sugar comes in two kinds. The first kind is the one that you can find naturally in the different foods that you eat. There is a lot of sugar found in fruits.

Natural sugar that can be found in different food products will not be as harmful to your health compared to the type of processed sugar found in other food products. There is one important thing that you have to remember: look at the amount of sugar that you are consuming for each food.

How Much Sugar is Hidden in Our Food and Drinks?

When was the last time that you have audited what you are consuming? There are some things that you may eat every day that contain a lot of sugar. If you normally consume processed food, expect that you will be eating far too much sugar than what is expected.

These are just some examples of the things you place inside your body:
  • 335 ml of Coca Cola – 10 teaspoons of sugar
  • 200 ml of Orange Juice – 4.5 teaspoons of sugar
  • 100 grams of Baked Beans – 2.5 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 TBSP of Ketchup – 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 slice of whole-grain bread – 0.8 teaspoons of sugar
There are still a lot of products that you normally consume. Just imagine if you would be eating a slice of bread with some jam. You may already be eating much more than what you are expected to consume.

What You Can Do

Knowing that it will be easy to consume a lot of sugar might make you feel terrified of the food choices that you are going to make. These are some tips that may help you so that your dentist Peterborough will not be too disappointed when he/she checks your teeth.

These are some more tips:
  • Try to avoid eating processed food as much as possible.
  • Plan what you are going to eat ahead of time. There are a lot of healthy recipes that you can check online.
  • Always check the label. Labels are there for a reason. The more details that you learn from the products, the better your choices are going to be.
  • Remove the sweets and the grains from your breakfast menu. You can always start slowly so that you can replace what you are used to with healthier alternatives.

You have to admit that sugar has been around for a long time. It is available in different food products too. You can always consult with a dentist Peterborough Ontario if you feel that you need more help. At the same time, you can always keep your teeth and gums in their best condition when you get regular dental checkups and teeth cleaning.

Look for the right dentist to help you out. Details can be available when you check Google Maps, Twitter and Brownbook.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

What Can Be Considered As A Dental Emergency?

There are times when you may be feeling a bit confused as to what can be considered as a dental emergency. You are not sure if you should wait for an appointment or let the dentist Peterborough know that you are coming because of what you have experienced. It is obvious that all types of trauma to the mouth can be considered as a dental emergency. The moment that you get to the emergency room, you will be given some medications or you will be subjected to some treatments that will provide the relief that you need. Details will be available when you check Hotfrog.

When to Contact an Emergency Dentist

One of the reasons why people do not want to contact emergency dentists Peterborough immediately is they do not want to spend a lot of money. Emergency fees are going to be much higher. You need to get in touch with them if you experience any of the following:
  • Bleeding on any part of your mouth or your teeth.
  • Bleeding that does not stop even if you have tried to stop it.
  • Inability to sleep because of the pain
  • Abscess that may be centered on a tooth or the gums
  • Chipped or broken teeth
If you are experiencing any of the things that are mentioned above, you should not wait any longer. Look for the right dentist to help you out. Details can be available when you check Google Maps.

When You Can You See An Emergency Dentist

You already know that you have to see a dentist immediately. The question is, how long will it be for you to finally get the treatment that you need. It would depend on the time when you would need an emergency dentist. The maximum amount of time that you will wait is about two hours. You also have to consider where you are located and where the dentist is located. The farther your locations are, the longer it will take before you will get the treatments that you need.

Getting Regular Dentist Visits

You should not just see a dentist during emergency situations. You should make an effort to keep your dentist appointments. Most people would need to see their dentist twice a year. This will help maintain the overall health of your teeth and gums. If there are some conditions that are starting to ravage your teeth and gums, they can be discovered and treated. You may also want to look for Cornerstone cosmetic dentist Peterborough if there are some cosmetic services that you need for your teeth. For example, if you would like to get the perfect veneers to get that perfect smile, the right cosmetic dentist will help.

Booking Your Appointment

Unless it is an emergency, you are recommended to book your dental visit ahead of time. The cosmetic dentist that you want to visit may be in demand. You cannot just barge in the clinic and expect that you will get treated. You need to ask the right questions first and know what you are going to expect when you finally get to the clinic. The more details that you know, the better the experience is going to be when you finally visit. Are you ready to go to the dentist soon?

Friday 26 February 2021

What is the Best Solution for a Broken Tooth

 Fracture, lack or loss of teeth can be a very unpleasant experience both from the aesthetic side and from the functional side of the usability of the tooth. Fortunately, there are many ways to solve these problems today. In this text, we at dental clinic in peterborough will discuss all the possibilities and procedures during these unpleasant situations. 

Tooth fracture 

The most common situation that happens is a broken tooth. Tooth fracture is a very unpleasant and often painful experience. The possibility of repair depends directly on the fracture line. If the fracture of the tooth is above the level and at the level of the gums, then there are possibilities to preserve that tooth. If the fracture line is too below the level of the gums, it makes it much more difficult to make a tooth restoration, and leads to tooth loss. Most often, carious teeth break down, teeth that have large fillings or treated teeth. 

Making tooth reinforcement as a method to prevent tooth breakage 

As a consequence of uncompromising removal of all carious masses, and in the treatment of teeth, the walls of the dental crown sometimes become thinner. Making a standard permanent filling strains the remaining walls of the tooth and increases the risk of breaking off part of the tooth. In order to prevent this from happening, or to reduce the risk of this happening, a tooth reinforcement is made that uses the space of the canal and receives most of the load that would otherwise be distributed to the remaining tooth walls. A seal is made around this reinforcement in the next phase. In this way, the lifespan of the tooth is extended. 

Dental crowns as a solution for tooth fracture 

When, on the other hand, the tooth has broken and a large number of tooth walls are missing, and the remaining tooth tissue is above the level or at the level of the gums, then it is recommended to make a dental crown. 

However, in order to make a dental crown, it is necessary to replace the lost parts of the tooth. Then, a cast augmentation is made, which is installed in the treated root of the tooth. It strengthens the tooth and on the other hand forms the basis on which the dental crown will be installed. The dental crown itself replaces a broken tooth and is identical in shape, color and size to the remaining teeth. 

What kind of dental crowns are there? There are two large groups. Metal-ceramic dental crowns and metal-free dental crowns. Metal-ceramic dental crowns are based on metal, which gives them resistance and strength, over which ceramics are placed, which gives the tooth aesthetic qualities. 

Metal-ceramic crowns are a great choice for side teeth. 

Metal-free crowns, on the other hand, do not have a metal base, but are made entirely of special types of ceramics. They are aesthetically more beautiful than metal-ceramic crowns and are indicated for front teeth. 

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Sunday 10 January 2021

Take an appointment from Peterborough dentist for tongue injury!

Tongue injuries are commonly found in kids as well as adults. Such kind of injury can take place due to accidentally biting on the tongue or while chewing. It can also take place while playing sports. At times there can be a little cut over your tongue, which can easily be healed. However, some tongue injuries require treatment from Peterborough dentist. There are some of the signs of tongue injuries that require you to visit a dentist.

What are the causes of tongue injuries?

The fact is that tongue punctures and cuts normally get heal in two to three days. Even if one has sores over the tongue, it will go away with time. Some of the causes of tongue injuries are as follows:

  • Biting tongue while sleeping

  • Biting tongue while eating

  • Cuts and punctures due to eating sharp or hard foodstuff

  • Cuts due to broken or sharp teeth filling 

  • Trauma due to physical injury

  • Consistent rubbing due to misaligned teeth

How to treat pain and bleeding due to tongue injuries?

When you have a tongue injury, there are chances that you might not know how to go about it. To help you deal with pain and bleeding due to tongue injury, below are a few steps you need to go through for treating the injury:

  • The very first thing you need to do is to rinse your mouth using a water-hydrogen peroxide mixture in the even ration. Make sure that you do not gulp it inside. 

  • Take a clean cloth and wrap ice around it. Take out the ice and press the cloth firmly over the wound till the time you can bear. It can help in reducing bleeding. 

  • If you have inflammation, you can rinse your mouth with warm salt water after your meals.

What are the signs that show you need to visit a Peterborough dentist for tongue injury?

In case you have followed these steps, and still, you are facing pain and issues, you need to visit a good dentist. Injuries caused to the tongue are not very severe that you need to see a dentist, but there are times than normal healing is difficult. In case you are suffering from deep cuts, profuse bleeding, pus formation, swelling, or long-lasting pain, it is recommended for you to see a good Peterborough dentist. There are times when objects get stuck in the tongue; you need to visit the dentist for getting it removed. Sometimes due to tongue injury, you might face lingering foul taste, for treating this problem you need to visit a dentist. 

If your tongue injury is not healing by itself, make sure that you schedule an appointment with a good Peterborough dentist as soon as possible.  For treating serious pain and bleeding it is always good to visit a dentist and get the treatment right away. But for this, you need to search for a good and reliable dentist. For this, make sure you research well. To check the reliability of the dentist, do not fail to check the reviews posted through past clients. It will give you an idea about what the past patients have to say about the clinic and services. With this, making the right decision becomes simple for you. Some of the sites that you can check out for searching a good dentist are Profile Canada and N 49.

Once you have found a trustworthy and good Peterborough dentist, make sure you take an appointment as soon as possible.