Friday 29 November 2019

How Beneficial are Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are used in modern dentistry to improve patients' smile and appearance. Facets can quickly and easily produce a nice smile without experiencing pain and unpleasant experiences. Cornerstone Family Dentistry Peterborough is one of the best places that offers the service. Veneers can be used for the following indications or a combination of them:

Tooth discoloration. Facets can have the color that the patient wants. They do not tolerate discoloration over the years. No one wants to have yellow teeth, of course, and veneers are a good solution.

dentist clinics

Solve the problem of mineral stains on teeth.

They can be used in the presence of hypoplasia of hard dental tissues to improve aesthetics.
With multiple caries on the front visible parts of the teeth, veneers can easily replace conventional photopolymers.

With fractured edges of the front teeth, veneers are a good solution.

Veneers are also used to overcome any discrepancies between the structure, position and function of crooked teeth.

In the presence of fluorosis and tetracyclines on the teeth that are not subject to bleaching or other treatment.

For conical second teeth and teeth with irregular shape.

For teeth with lingual inclination

Are there any contraindications for porcelain veneers?

In addition to the available indications for the manufacture and placement of porcelain veneers, of course there are contraindications for their use. Facets cannot be used in any clinical case, despite the wishes of the patients. There are several strict contraindications for the use of dental porcelain veneers. Here are some of them:

Presence of advanced periodontal disease (periodontitis), with third degree of dental shaking. When the teeth have become very mobile and there are no adjacent periodontal fibers and the denture is severely compromised. This is a serious contraindication to the application of porcelain veneers.

Another serious contraindication to facet application is poor oral hygiene. With poor oral hygiene, inflammatory changes in the gums will start - gingivitis, which can develop into periodontitis (periodontitis). On the other hand, the accumulation of dental plaque will lead to the development of caries on non-ceramic hard dental tissues.

In severely destroyed dental structures, which require the use of metal-ceramic wrapping crowns or pure ceramics. When more than 60% of the natural tooth structures are missing, the base on which the veneers will lie will be missing.

Very heavily rotated teeth are also a contraindication to the use of veneers. When the teeth are significantly deviated, initial orthodontic treatment and subsequent prosthesis with porcelain veneers is recommended.

Facets are also rarely used in the presence of large interdental spaces. When there are major tremes and diastema, initial orthodontic treatment and subsequent prosthetic replacement are also recommended.

Every dentist must explain the pros and cons of dental veneers before working with a patient wishing to have a porcelain veneer prosthesis. The patient should be explained how to care for their veneers so that they can remain beautiful and functional over the years.

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